@php $Altone_ExtraBold_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-ExtraBold.ttf'); $Altone_Bold_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-Bold.ttf'); $Altone_SemiBold_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-SemiBold.ttf'); $Altone_Medium_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-Medium.ttf'); $Altone_Regular_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-Regular.ttf'); $Altone_Light_ttf = asset('assets/fonts/Altone-Light.ttf'); @endphp Email Verification {{-- --}}
{{-- --}}

Hi {{ $userName }},

@if( $verificationCode)

This is your verification code:

@foreach(str_split($verificationCode) as $index => $char) {{ $char }} @if($index == 2) - @endif @endforeach

This code will only be valid for the next 10 minutes. If the code does not work, you can use this login verification link:

@endif {{-- there where i need to put the verification url --}} {{ $theButtonText }}

The team